Seven Crimes Follow the Signs (Davina Ravine Psychic Crime Thriller Book 7) by Kaylie Hunter

Seven Crimes Follow the Signs (Davina Ravine Psychic Crime Thriller Book 7) by Kaylie Hunter

Author:Kaylie Hunter [Hunter, Kaylie]
Language: eng
Format: epub
Publisher: BBK Publishing
Published: 2024-04-02T00:00:00+00:00

The rest of my afternoon was rather peaceful. Addy called when school let out, letting me know a friend was giving her a ride home. I suspected she’d heard about Olivia moving into the Zenner house and was steering clear of the drama, but I couldn’t blame her. In her shoes, I’d steer clear too.

Packing up, I drove home, bone tired from a long day of work. Entering the kitchen, I stopped to stare at Breydon. Standing in front of the kitchen sink, he wore elbow-length rubber gloves and was scouring a cooking pot.

“Well played today,” Breydon said, smiling. “Olivia’s upstairs cleaning. The boys are watching TV.” Breydon turned on the faucet to rinse the pan. “Are you going to the council meeting tonight?”

“Forgot all about it,” I admitted, shutting the kitchen door. Depositing my purse and keys on the end of the counter, I shrugged out of my semi-soaked hoodie, hanging it on one of the hooks behind the door.

Entering the back hallway, I crossed to the other side of the house. Tait sat on one of the steamer trunks, now placed a few feet in front of the television.

I crossed the room, checking the television to make sure he was watching something age appropriate, then I lifted him off the chest and opened it.

Trevor popped up yelling, “Rarrr!” and I pretended to be startled.

I picked him up, ivory gown and all, and set him on the floor. “Why are you wearing that?”

Trevor swung his hips back and forth. “I like it. It’s pretty.”

I laughed, rolling the bottom of the dress up and over his head. “No more playing in the trunks. It’s not safe. Got it?”

“Okay,” Trevor said, running over to the couch. Tait ran over, climbing up beside his brother.

After moving the trunk back to the library, I stared for a long moment at the broken glass door. I’d forgotten to call Ed Mason about replacing the glass. Exiting the other slider, I carried the dress across the back yards and entered Mrs. Paulson’s house after a brief knock. “Just me. I’m stealing your grill lighter, but I’ll bring it right back.”

Despite me saying I’d be back, Mrs. Paulson followed me out the door. “What are we doing?” she asked, pulling on a rain slicker.

I held up the dress, moving to the burn pit in the empty lot next door. “Burning this.”

“Are you sure?” Mrs. Paulson asked. “I can sell it.”

“Nope. This was Madeline Hudson’s wedding gown. She had a miserable life, all because she was forced to marry Archer Hudson. The only right thing to do is to burn the dress.”

“Well, in that case, here,” Mrs. Paulson took the lighter from me, holding out one side of the fabric and lighting the embroidery under it.

When the dress caught fire, I tossed it into the pit. We both watched, stepping back when the dress was fully engulfed in tall bright flames. “Geesh. What material was that dress made of?”

“Was that from the dress? Or Madeline Hudson?” Mrs. Paulson asked.


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